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عرض دراسات متنوعة وموضوعات في الدراما والنقد المسرحي العالمي والمحلي
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 السيرة الذاتية بالانجليزية

اذهب الى الأسفل 
كاتب الموضوعرسالة
احمد صقر

احمد صقر

المساهمات : 66
تاريخ التسجيل : 06/03/2011
العمر : 64
الموقع : الإسكندرية

السيرة الذاتية بالانجليزية Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: السيرة الذاتية بالانجليزية   السيرة الذاتية بالانجليزية Emptyالسبت ديسمبر 22, 2012 4:39 am


Prof. Dr. Ahmed Mohamed Hassan Saker

Baby boomers/Alexandria 1959

Alexandria University
Faculty of Arts
Department of theatrical studies
Professor of drama and theatrical criticism
Your scientific activity statement




Personal mobile/0105179280
Theme year/theatre studies
Specialization/drama and theatrical criticism

Career progression

Teaching Assistant, Department of theatre studies – Faculty of Arts, Alexandria University as of 10/6/1972 to 12/12/1987.
Assistant Lecturer, Department of theatre studies – Faculty of Arts, Alexandria University as of 22/12/1989 until 25/1/1993.
Lecturer, Department of theatre studies – Faculty of Arts, Alexandria University as of 26/1/1993 to 26/2/2001.
Assistant Professor, Department of theatre studies, Faculty of Arts, Alexandria University, 27/2/2001-25/10/2010.
Professor, Department of theatre studies – Faculty of Arts, Alexandria University as of 26/10/2010 till now.
Bachelor of Arts degree from the University of Alexandria role may 1981, summa cum laude.
Master of Arts in theatre studies from the University of Alexandria 1987 distinction.
PhD in literature from the Department of theatrical studies from the University of Alexandria 1992 honours.

Articles by:

1. the Egyptian Theater 8. analysis of European and American plays
2. Arab Theatre 9. analysis of Arab and Egyptian plays
3. the European Theater 10-Theatre and society
4. the American scene 11. supervise graduation projects
5. literary and theatrical criticism 12. a critical study of the work of the playwright
6. critique theatrical (theories – applications) (pre-masters)
7. the origins of writing the play 13-theatrical exchange seminar
(Pre-masters credit system)
14. comparative Theatre literature (pre-Ph.d. credit system)

First: scientific literature

* Textbooks *

1. studies in contemporary Arab theater comedy, Alex Center for the book, I 1/1996, 2/1999.
2. employment of folklore in the Arab theater, Alex Center for the book, I 1/1999-I 2/2000, 3/2002.
3. the date of cash and his theories, Alexandria Center for the book, I 1/2001, I 2/2003, 3/2005.
4. Introduction to the theory of intellectual scene, Alex Center for the book, I 1/2002.
5. children's Theatre, Alexandria Center for the book, I 1/2004.
6. Globalization and the theatre, Alexandria Book Center, in press
7. Theatre and society, lectures, 2010
8. modern and contemporary American theater, lectures, 2010
9. modern and contemporary Egyptian Theatre, lectures, 2010
10. comparative studies in theatre, Alexandria Book Center, in press.

Studies published in specialized scientific journals *

1. structure of the theatrical text between Arab tradition and experimentation, the first International Conference on theatre, Conference Hall, Alexandria University, 1996.
2. an analytical introduction what theatrical criticism with application to curriculum alsimio logy, the first International Conference on theatre, Conference Hall, Alexandria University, 1996.
3. popular tale Theatre Naguib Surur, a magazine of thought, Kuwait.
4. self and technical effects in the theatre, Teatro Najib magazine, 1999.
5. the profile of women in the scene Tawfik El Hakim, Kuwait magazine, 1999.
6. between taste and theatrical criticism, an analysis of the received theatrical aesthetics, magazine world of thought, Kuwait 2000.
7. social issue in the theater of Saad Eddin Wahba, statement, Kuwait 2000 Magazine.
8. the Sci-Fi scene Tawfik al-Hakim, the annals of the Faculty of Arts, Alexandria University, 2000.
9. contemporary trends in the theatrical version, the magazine examined the statement, Kuwait.
10-reality and perspectives Theater in Morocco, Kuwait magazine, 2001.
11. mirror image between the women's theater and theater victory women, magazine, 2002.
12. the intellectual and aesthetic standards in the school theater, backstage magazine, Sharjah, no. 10, September 2003.
13. sinogravia theater ... The theoretical reference for the show, magazine, August 2006, Kuwait.
14. Globalization and the theater ... See analytical cash, Annals of the Faculty of Arts – Jammeh Alexandria, no. 59-2008.
15. a critical study of the school theatre. Theory and text, the annals of the Faculty of Arts, Alexandria University, no. 60-2009.
16. "the political scene and the text" heritage: a comparative study between the "Adventure capital" and "Jabber-the second night after 1,000 annals of the Faculty of Arts, University of Tanta, January 2009.
17. "the environment in Arabic Theatre Lorca": an applied study on the play "bloody wedding", Journal of Oriental Studies/No. 42-January 2009.
18. "per capita representative Egyptian" theater "monodrama" critique ", journal, no. 466, may 2009, Kuwait.
19. "alaraesi theatre for children". Theory and practice, Journal of the Faculty of Arts, Alexandria University, no. 16 for the year 2010.
20. "play the Sultan perplexed" and offer "... See analytical cash, prior to publication in the journal of the Faculty of Arts-University of Tanta, issue No. 23, 2010.
21. the mechanism received text and performance with application to play thieves. Analytical critical study, by publishing the journal of the Faculty of Arts, Alexandria University, no. 16 for the year 2010.


* Conferences and seminars *

1. the Secretary of the first International Conference about theater issues in the Arab world, March 1996.
2. participate in Symposium "theater Saad Eddin Wahba" higher Institute for dramatic arts – Kuwait 1999.
3. participate in Symposium "art in the twentieth century", University of Kuwait, March 2001.
4. participate in a symposium on "women and the theater" the higher Institute of dramatic arts, Kuwait, March 2002.
5. participation in some radio programmes and television specializing in theatre, TV and State radio and television Kuwait.
6. participation in the literary arts on the legend "State of Kuwait TV, December 2005.
7. participation in an old proposal and introduced in the Scientific Conference of the Faculty of Arts, March 2009.
(On the development of curricula and create divisions of drama and criticism/representation and output)
IV-arbitration in theatrical activities
1. arbitration in the first playwriting competition-youth theatre, the State of Kuwait 2005.
2. arbitration at the University Theatre activity – Alexandria University 2009.
3. arbitration in graduation projects section special plays, students of the higher Institute of dramatic arts – sabah criticism.

* Supervise thesis *

1. supervise thesis tagged:.
Output techniques in Egyptian popular comedy shows, Faculty of Arts, Alexandria University, 2008.
2. supervise the thesis tagged:.
"Diversity of theatrical techniques in Egypt under totalitarian rule", Faculty of Arts, Alexandria University, 2008.
3. supervise thesis tagged:
Significant place in the theatre of Anton Zhukov and noaman Ashour, Alexandria University, 2009.
4. supervise the thesis tagged:
The impact of the epic drama the book Theater in Kuwait, Alexandria University, 2009.
5. supervise the thesis tagged:
School Theatre in Kuwait in the second half of the twentieth century, Alexandria University, 2009.
6. supervise thesis tagged:
Documentary theatre techniques between theory and application study in the Kuwaiti theater, Alexandria University, 2009.
7. supervise thesis tagged:
Employment of puppet theatre in the school theatre in Sultanate of Oman from 1980-2010, Alexandria University, 2010.
8. supervise thesis tagged: feminist theater between text and display, read reviews in the Egyptian Theatre, Alexandria University, 2010.
9. supervise thesis tagged: directing techniques for theatre between Egypt and Kuwait in the second half of the twentieth century, empirical study, Alexandria University, 2010.
10. supervise thesis tagged: family Theatre in Arthur Miller – structural study obstetric, Alexandria University, 2011.
11. supervise thesis tagged:
Intellectual and artistic transformations in the theater of Saad wannous-study simiologih-Alexandria University, 2011.
12. to supervise the thesis tagged: Midsummer night's dream between theater and cinema-study simiologih, Alexandria University, 2011.
13. supervise thesis tagged: vision alsinogravih and its relationship to performance, Alexandria University, 2011.
14. supervise thesis tagged: evolution theatrical writing methods in children's Theatre in the last quarter of the twentieth century, Alexandria University, 2011.

Thesises discussion

1. the phenomenon of crime in Egyptian Theater in the last three decades of the twentieth century, 2009 (master).
2. output theatrical techniques in theatre during Egypt's political handlers the second half of the twentieth century, 2009 (dissertation).
3. school theatre in the Sultanate of Oman, a study in theatrical criticism, 2010, (master).
4. double vision-the art of Operetta between theater and TV, 2010, (master).
5. clash of the generations in Kuwaiti society and its impact in the theater, 2011, (Master thesis)
6. role of watching and employment in the theatrical show, 2011, (master).

* Theatre festivals *

1. the Chairman of the Theatre Studies Department Festival to celebrate World Theatre day on March 27, 2009, the BA and tasting Sidi Gaber.

* Scientific and practical activities within and outside the College *

1. a technical Committee with the Union of students of the Faculty of Arts, Alexandria University, 1995, 1996.
2. supervise graduation projects 4th theme critique, 2008/2009/2010/2011.
3. the President of the Conference scientific section annual (March 2009), on the development of the internal regulation of curricula and explore some of the system partition.

* Missions and loans *

1. travel to theatre Science Institute – University of Munich study mission (supervision) for PhD 1989: 1991.
2. loan to the State of Kuwait to work as a professor at the Department of theatrical criticism and literature-the higher Institute of dramatic art in the period from January 1997 to June 2008, where I taught the following articles:

1. drama (old-modern-contemporary).
2. theatrical criticism (critique and old theories — average — talk s/19/20)
3. analysis of plays (old-modern and contemporary).
4. children's theatre.
5. the art of writing plays (specialization education play "children's Theatre").
6. contributed to and participated in some student activities students ' Union and a number of symposia and award some substantive activities in the field of playwriting in and out of the higher Institute for dramatic arts in the State of Kuwait.
7. Arab Theatre (old/modern/contemporary broker).
8. the theory of drama (old/argument/modern).

* Management * c..3

Served as Chairman of the Department of theatrical studies years 2008/2009, 2009/2010.
-President of theatrical Studies Department-year examinations 2008/2009/2010.

* Quality system *

A. attend many workshops of quality at the level of University/College/Department:
1. discuss the output of an internal system of construction project quality and frame 15/4/2009.
2. Description of the programs and curricula on 7/7/2009.
3. quality and a culture of change workshop 12/8/2009.
4. Workshop on implementing academic standards for Science Foundation 19/12/2009.
5. Description and report of decision 10/2/2010.
6. Workshop on the dissemination of a culture of quality and definition to what has been done 1/6/2010.
7. preparatory meeting for the Commission quality and final review before a planet 21/10/2010.
8. meet my assessment about overall performance under the quality system, 26/10/2010.
9. Workshop on awareness Committee questionnaire and form new 2/12/2010.
B-General Coordinator of theatre studies programme (Bachelor's degree), 2009.
C-participated in the preparation of the programme of theatre studies (master 's/doctoral stage/professional diploma)

* Attend sessions of faculty development and leadership are as follows *

-Rewrite internationally. research and dissemination.From 11 to 13 November 2008.
-Ethics and ethics ...From 15 to 17 November 2008.
-Examination system and evaluation of students.From 18 to 20 November 2008.
University management.From 16 to 18 December 2008.
-Effective communication skills. From 20 to 22 February 2008.
-Time management and meetings ...From 24 to 26 January 2009.

* Attend scientific councils and committees in the College *

1. the Chairman of the Department of theatrical studies years 2008/2009/2010.
2. the Chairman of the Board of Theatre Studies Department in the College boards years 2008/2009/2010.
3. Member of the Committee on graduate studies in the college years 2008/2009/2010.
4. Member of the Committee on libraries for the academic year 2010/2011.
5. Member of the Board of the college years 2008/2009/2010/2011.

Arbitration in the research magazine of the Faculty of Arts, Alexandria University *

* Research published on the website of civilized dialogue *

1. the family in contemporary American Theater.
2. Theatre and the challenges of globalization.
3. to receive on stage ...A study in literary criticism and drama.
4. sinogravia theater ... The theoretical reference for the show.
5. in applied monetary ...Supporting women's theatre.
6. the theater between experimentation and globalization.
7. Arabic environment in Lorca.
8. performing in the play instructions bloody wedding of Spanish writer Lorca.
9. Globalization and historical forces that pushed the world to change.
10. women's monetary (female).
11. the theory of performance at the theater alaraesi.
12. cultural globalization.
13. issues of cultural globalization and our position.
14-theater monodrama and privacy of text structure.
15. levels of time and space (the space-time) in the play the bloody wedding llorka.
16. analytical reading in theory receive for play thieves for German writer shalr.
17. monodrama.Individual theater phenomenon between acceptance and rejection.
18. the term alsinogravia between Oedipus as King and happy days.
19. monodrama.Read the text and theatrical performances.
20. the political scene in America.
21. the inflammatory stage (thriller-publicity) in America.
22. the theater one of the mass media.
23. social issue in Egyptian Theater (Saad Eddin Wahba model).
24-play the Sultan perplexed ...Text vision and issues of democracy.
25. play the Sultan perplexed ... Vision-loss issue.
26. the political theatre or theater of politicization.
27-theater melodrama in Egypt.
28-theater monodrama. Origin and evolution.
29. analytical critical reading at Najib.
30. the image of women among women's theater and theater supporting women.
31. the political theatre techniques (text, presentation).
32. the technical and intellectual features monodrama.
33. the theater between single culture and globalization.
34. the Egyptian Theatre in the 1960s.
35. the Egyptian Theater in the 1970s and open issues.
36. Egyptian Theater in the 1980s and rooting.
37. the Egyptian Theater in the 1990s.
38. school theatre and theatre curriculum.
39. the school theatre.Define.. confiscation. intellectual and aesthetic features.
40. the intellectual scene and theatre (theatrical theory).
41. the political scene in Egypt and the Arab world.
42. the comedy Theater in the 1960s (the theory dvdrip Arabic).
43. comedy Theater in the 1970s (the opening).
44. the comedy Theater in the 1980s.
45. the relationship between theatre as phenomenon of social and ceremonial space.
46. the profile of women in the scene Tawfik al-Hakim.
47. the theatrical speech in a play adventurous new-Jaber for Saad wannous.
48. the theatrical speech in the play the second night of Solomon lahzami.
49. experimentation in theater Mohammed salmawi (text, presentation).
50. the assets and the first beginnings of the American Theater.
51. the American scene in the aftermath of the second world war.
52. non-commercial theater in New York (amateur theatre).
53. the social Theatre in America in the wake of the economic crisis on Broadway.
54. the modalities and forms of political theatre in America.
55. draft theatrical groups in America.
56. the Federal theater project and the positive and negative implications.
57. models of political theater in America.
58. the blossoming relationship between theatre and society in revolutionary periods.
59. the European and American human crisis in the aftermath of the second world war and its reflection on the stage.
60. the relationship between theatre and the Greek community (application form).
61. social issue in Arthur Miller theatre.
62. the Palestinian issue on the Arab scene.
63. the Hebrew modern and contemporary theatre.

64th the Egyptian Theatre after the defeat of 1967.
65th read in the Jewish theater.
66th the problem of women in European and American drama.
67th there is a relationship between theater and society, or not?
68th the vision for education in Egypt.
69th the martyrs of prophets, martyrs and other saints in Jinan.
70th in interview with Dr. Noha consultant Zini and mothers of the martyrs as an information program.
71st the files of corruption in Egypt.
72nd the Egyptian revolution between national origin and treatment in the context of globalization.
37th Why did you wait and wait for Mubarak in Sharm el-Sheikh.
74th for young people dreaming January 25 thieves ... Read in the culture of the climbers.
75th an urgent letter to the Minister of Education and Higher Education.
76-January 25 martyrs and Mother's Day.
77th my heart also, but the future of Egypt.
78th the Russian school ... Read in contemporary criticism.
79th read you in the shoes Simiologih play Dr. Taha Hussein.
80th read in the play after the fall of the American writer Arthur Miller.
81st an analytical reading of the texts of science fiction drama.
28th Science Fiction Theater.
XV: a special research study is posted on the forum:
1-monodrama (artistic and intellectual functions).
Second Biography.
3-theater melodrama in Egypt.
4th The political theater techniques (text, presentation).
5th political theater or theater of politicization.
6th Draft theatrical groups in America.
7th non-commercial theater in America (amateur theater).
8 models of political theater book in America.
9th Assets and the first beginnings of the American Theatre.
10th the American scene in the aftermath of World War II.
11th social theater in America in the wake of the economic crisis.
12th the modalities and forms of political theater in America.
13th the Federal Republic of theater project and a positive impact on American film.
14th the European and American human crisis in the aftermath of World War II and its reflection on the stage.
15th social issue in the theater of Arthur Miller.
16th the issue of women in the Euro-American theater.
17th the family in American theater.
18th the political scene in America.
19th a provocative scene in America.
20th the relationship between theater and the Greek community (application form).
21st Experiments in Theater Mohammed Salmawi (between text and display).
22nd theatrical speech in the game the second night of Solomon Lahzami.
23rd the theater between individual and cultural globalization.
24th the Egyptian Theatre in the 1970s and open issues.
25th the Egyptian Theatre in the 1980s and rootedness.
26th the Egyptian Theatre in the 1990s.
27-theater monodrama (history and development).
28th the Palestinian question on the Arab scene.
29th the movement of cash Greek Aristotle.
30th Horace and his views in the book, the art of poetry between criticism and theory of drama.
31st the theory of Greek drama between Plato and Aristotle 1/3.
32nd the theory of Greek drama between Plato and Aristotle, 2/3.
33rd the theory of comedy (comedy) Hellenic 3/3.
34th Choir (choir) and the tragedy of Greek architecture (theory of drama).
35th Literary criticism and Theatricality in the Middle Ages.
36th Renaissance history of money.
37th new classical critics (functions cash movement - History and Theory).
38th Theater and literary criticism in the 18th Century.
39th read the history of the movement in the nineteenth century 3/3.
40th read contemporary theater Exchange. School.
41st the sociological critique.
42nd structural obstetric procedures with application.
43rd Alsimiologi Method (markings character Alsimiotiki Alsimiaa-) with the application.
44th Cash dispenser.
45th the formative Exchange.
46th the received theory in contemporary theater with the application.

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السيرة الذاتية بالانجليزية
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» السيرة الذاتية باللغة التركية
» السيرة الذاتية المعدلة 2014

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